The BMB Award

The BMB Award, established in 2004, is presented each year on Spring Honors Day to one or more graduating seniors who have excelled in both course work and laboratory research. The honoree(s) share a $500 award, with funding typically provided by the Chemistry and Biology Departments.

We also welcome financial contributions from you in support of the BMB Award. If you wish to make a donation to help pay for this award, please make a note on your check indicating BMB Prize.

If you prefer to make an on-line donation, you can do so here or by going to the Gettysburg College homepage and clicking on “Make a Gift”. In the Designations portion of the on-line form, select “Other or multiple designations”. Slide the bar to the right of the pop-up down to the bottom, select “Other Fund(s)”, and hit the Continue button. In the box under “Please Specify”, type BMB Prize.

For updates on a some of our past BMB Award winners, check out the article in this edition of the BMB Alumni Newsletter.

Past recipients of the award are as follows:

2023Maura Farinelli
2022Jordyn Markle
2021Alec Beck
Meredith Brown
2020Claire Woodward
2019Cameron Thompson
2018Richard Gawel
Madison Strine
2017Andrew Mahoney
2016Matthew Dunworth
David Van Doren
2015Warren Campbell
2014Devin Geiman
Michael Rouse
2013Avani Amin
2012Brian Lauderback
2011Christina Kelliher
Amrit Khalsa
Julie Kobie
2010Jaclyn D’Innocenzi
Sara E. Fritz
2009Tyler Kreitz
2008Jenna Keyser
2007Jenna Stokes
2006Megan Campbell
2005Walter Kowtoniuk
2004Robert Clontz