Our Gratitude to Donors

The BMB Program would like to offer heartfelt thanks to the generous donors who supported us with financial gifts from June 2022 through May 2023. Your gifts are welcome and much appreciated. 

In 2020, Gettysburg College established a new Special Gifts Fund for the BMB program.  Donations to this fund directly benefit the BMB program and its students.  The following donors contributed to the BMB Special Gifts Fund:

  • Katherine M. Buettner , Gettysburg College Faculty, BMB & Chemistry
  • Katie Burns, Chemistry & Biology Class of 2000
  • Dorothy Croall, Biology Class of 1973
  • Marylou & Gary Davenport, Parents – Class of 2008
  • Lisa & Rob Kemmerer, Parents – Class of 2025
  • William Yohe, Biology Class of 1976

We would like you to know that gifts to the new BMB Special Gifts Funds directly support the BMB program and its students, while gifts designated for the BMB Program without a specified fund go to the Gettysburg Fund, supporting ongoing, college-wide expenses.

If you would like BMB to have direct access to your donation to support programming, student/faculty research, student participation in conferences, curricular innovation, instrumentation upgrades or repairs and other specific needs of the department, please make a note on your donation indicating “BMB Special Gifts”.

You are also invited to make a donation to support the BMB award, established in 2004 and given to a graduating senior who has excelled in both course work and laboratory research. This award is presented annually on Spring Honors Day during Commencement Weekend. If you wish your donation to contribute toward this award, please make a note on your donation indicating “BMB prize”

If you choose to make an on-line donation, you can do so here or by going to the Gettysburg College homepage and clicking on “Make a Gift”. In the Designations portion of the on-line form, select “Other or multiple designations”. Slide the bar to the right of the pop-up down to the bottom, select “Other Fund(s)”, and hit the Continue button. In the box under “Please Specify”, type BMB Special Gifts or BMB Prize.